Prolight Diagnostics publishes quarterly report Q1, 2024

Financial overview First quarter, January 1 – March 31, Q1 2024 Group(figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding period in the previous year) Net sales amounted to 0 (0). Other operating income amounted to SEK 68 (39) thousand. The profit after tax amounted to SEK -8,929 (-7,580) thousand. Earnings per share before and after dilution: […]

Prolight Diagnostics publishes quarterly report Q1, 2023

Financial overviewFirst quarter Q1 2023 Group(figures in brackets only refer to March 2022 as the group was formed on 1 March 2022) Net sales amounted to 0. Other operating income amounted toKSEK 39 (1,298).  The profit after tax amounted to kSEK –7,580 (-3,675)  Earnings per share before and after dilution: SEK-0.03 (-0.02).  Cash flow from […]