The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Prolight Diagnostics AB (publ) took place on 11 May 2023 in Lund. Full information regarding the decisions of the AGM is available on the company’s website, The AGM resolved in accordance with all of the motions presented in the notification of the AGM.
Resolution regarding the adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet, as well as discharge from liability
The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement and the balance sheet for the parent company and the group for the previous financial year. The board of directors and the managing director were discharged from liability for the same period.
Resolution on the appropriation of the company´s profit in accordance with the adopted balance sheet
The AGM resolved that no dividend be paid for the previous financial year, and that the profit will be carried forward.
Board of directors
The AGM resolved that the board of directors shall consist of six board members with no deputies. Masoud Khayyami, Maria Holmlund, Ulf Bladin, Steve Ross, Aileen McGettrick and Tobias Volker were re-elected as board members. Masoud Khayyami was re-elected as chairman of the board.
Resolution pertaining to directors’ fees
The AGM resolved that a fee of SEK 200,000 be allocated to the chairman of the board and that a fee of SEK 120,000 be allocated to each of the other board members. The said fees include remuneration for committee work, if applicable. A board member who is employed by the company or any of its subsidiaries shall not receive a fee.
The AGM resolved to re-elect the registered accounting firm, Mazars AB, as the company’s auditor until the end of the next AGM. The authorised auditor, Jesper Ahlkvist, will serve as the auditor in charge. Fees to the auditor are paid against approved invoices.
Authorisation of the Board of Directors to resolve on issue of shares, warrants and/or convertible instruments
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the board’s proposal, to authorise the board to, on one or several occasions during the period until the next AGM, issue new shares, warrants, and/or convertibles to a maximum of 35 percent of the company´s share capital at the time of the AGM’s resolution. The board of directors is authorised to issue new shares, warrants, and/or convertibles with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights and/or provisions for contribution in kind, set-off or other conditions. The complete proposal containing additional conditions is included in the notification of the AGM.
For further information, please contact:
Prolight Diagnostics AB (publ)
Telephone: +46 73 582 39 87
About Us
Prolight Diagnostics, together with the subsidiary Psyros Diagnostics and technology partners, develops innovative and flexible near-patient testing systems, Point-of-Care Testing (POCT), which is IT based on patented technology. POC tests are performed outside the traditional hospital laboratory with small mobile instruments in health centres, nursing homes, emergency departments, intensive care units, and other settings, enabling testing close to the patient and with rapid test results. With this technology, health care providers will be able to sort out patients in need of rapid treatment from patients that, for example, are not having a heart attack. The sales value in the POCT area amounted to USD 34.6 billion in 2021 and is growing strongly.
The company’s share is traded on the NGM Nordic SME marketplace, under the ticker PRLD.